Apple Launched It’s Own Mapping Product | Apple Maps

Article moved, visit DataSagar for more updates from this author. The rumors were true. Among a boatload of announcements Apple introduced its own mapping product in June 11 as part of the iOS 6 update, which is available to developers today and will be available to the rest of the iOS-using public “this Fall.” AnnouncementContinue reading “Apple Launched It’s Own Mapping Product | Apple Maps”

Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud Computing | When to choose ?

Article moved, visit DataSagar for more updates from this author. Public Clouds A public cloud is one in which the services and infrastructure are provided off-site over the Internet. These clouds offer the greatest level of efficiency in shared resources; however, they are also more vulnerable than private clouds. A public cloud is the obviousContinue reading “Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud Computing | When to choose ?”